Kellen and I stopped using Kinslee's baby monitor around 6 months ago (about the time where she thought it was AWESOME to sleep with Mom and Dad!). I never got around to putting it in the "baby tote" so its just been collecting dust. I finally used it this weekend when she was napping and we were working out in the yard. Now I'm sitting downstairs working on my computer listening to her play kitchen and feed her babies their bottles and it makes me so happy! She tries to put diapers on the babies and makes them go to sleep all the time saying.. "shh baby go ny ny." She is completely content playing in her room for hours, just talking up a storm!! I have to be careful though. Last week I let her play alone and then I heard her screaming. I went in her room and she had the lid off her fish tank and both hands in it yelling "FISHY COME PLAY, I WANT YOU." That poor fish managed to escape her hands and I had to explain that fishy can't plan, we can only look.
Well, I'm hearing some noises that make me nervous so I better go check out what she is up to! :)