Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Blessings in Disguise

I will be the first person to admit that when Kellen decided to accept a managment role with his employer, I wan't the most thrilled person on the planet. The longer hours, more traveling, more responsiblity, seemed like more than we could handle at the time. However, I knew I only had one choice and that was to support my husband in whatever he decided to do. Now, a few months into it, I'm realizing that his new job has given Kinslee and I so much time together, just one on one, something we didn't have before. Whenever he is away for meetings, it is like a big slumber party, we paint our nails, take bubble baths with LOTS of bubbles, watch movies and sleep in bed together, often telling storries and giggling until we both fall asleep. Those are things we really don't get to do when he is home, he'd rather play tractors or watch deer hunting with her!! Don't get me wrong, I do wish he was home more, but I've learned that I can either sit around and complain when he's gone, or I can make the best of it and enjoy every minute of the time I get alone with her! :)