Thursday, June 23, 2011

Swim Lessons = Success

Kinslee is done with her first year of swim lessons at the Y. After a few rough sessions, she turned out to be quite the little fish. It helped she always had an audience, whether it was Grandpa Meyer, Aunt Jayne, Daddy or Mommy!! I'm sure the other parents thought we were nuts and in some ways they are right!! I got some great pictures of her and I will post them soon! Kinslee can now: blow bubbles (ok, lick the water), jump in by herself, go underwater, throw balls without losing balance, run around in the shallow end, kick her legs, move her arms, and flirt with the boys at the pool.

I wish I would have taken a video camera along. There was a little boy, maybe 3 years old that would be sitting on the edge waiting for the next session to begin when Kinslee's class was working on jumping in the water. Kinslee would stand on the edge of the pool, turn around, smile at the boy and then jump in. After she was in the water, she'd look at him again like "did you see that, I just jumped in the water by myself!" It was soo adorable and his mom thought so too!!

My next goal for Kinslee is really working with her on getting potty trained. She'll go in the toliet every once in a while. Tonight she stood up in the bath, yelled "POTTY" and proceded to pee in the water. So, she definetly knows what's going on. She'll usually tell me when she is about to #2, but is kind of terrified of going in the toliet. Any suggestions are welcome!!!

Well, I must get back to the giant pile of laundry that needs to be folded. The clothes might have dust on them by now! :) I hope I'm not the only one who lets it pile up! :)

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